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Possible Mentor- Julie Evans

Another possible mentor is Julie Evans. She works with alot of inks and sometimes incorporates mandalas and other drawings as well. She is a New York city based artist and spends time in India on a regular basis. Julie Evans Blog --> Check out her blog, to look at all her amazing pieces! She could possibly be my mentor for the major piece/s I had to complete, because I like the way she using different earthy tones of ink, but doesn't let them mix together, they are together, but have dried separately. I think this technique leaves less room for mistakes and also gives a greater impact as the colours are stronger, more predominant and stand out clearer. This means you can then work back into them more, so that way the work won't look too busy, because there isn't going to be a mess of inks of the page. Personally, I really just enjoy looking at her works and picturing where I would hang them in my house. I love the movement in the pieces and how even though she is using the concept of serendipity, her works still look so perfect and well carried out.
This is only one of my most treasured works by Julie Evans from her small Mylar constructions.
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